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Monday, April 27, 2020

2013, By the Month - When I Grow Up

2013, By the Month - When I Grow Up I love doing this every year: breaking my year down into the highlights of each month noting what I did, where I was, what I worked on, and what I achieved. It’s a celebration in itself, and one that I’m always happy to share with you. January 2013: quoted in Career Coaching 101: Finding a Professional to Help You Find Your Fulfilling Career on PsychCentral started Grown Up Gigs: An Inside Look at Dream Jobs Held By Real People a live video interview series with stylist writer Megan Collins (a former client o’ mine!). An interview with Kate Spencer, a writer and VH1.com correspondent (and another former client!), followed 2 weeks later.   quoted in How to Find a Fulfilling Career Path on PsychCentral February 2013: co-ran the live Golden Ticket event with my amazeballs collaborator, Tanya Geisler Photo by Kylie Bellard interviewed Laura Neff, life coach and co-founder of Nourish Charlotte, for Grown Up Gigs March 2013: appeared on “C to the G TV” quoted on What is Soul? on SoulWheat spoke to the JFEW/Macauley Honors College juniors at their annual workshop interviewed wardrobe stylist Bryn Taylor and jewelry designer and teacher Tracy Matthews for Grown Up Gigs launched the new Declaration of You site my husband quit his full-time job in advertising to freelance. Scary/exciting! celebrated my 3rd Entrepreneuriversary April 2013: made a video for The Self-Love Revolution’s Prep School, which probably won me Best Worst Freeze Frame Face interviewed handbag designer Lauren Falkowski and opera singer Vanessa Cariddi for Grown Up Gigs signed up for Of Course You Can!, a course led by Randi Buckley. Got deep into creating my first online career change course, Career Camp. Spent the next 3 months laying out the curriculum and getting clear on the what/how of it all. May 2013: Launched Multi-Passionate Must-Haves, a flash sale with 27 courses from 25 experts; raised $8K for my Avon Walk team opened applications for one-on-one clients   and filled the open spots! interviewed artist (and former client!) Jessie Smith Larson  for Grown Up Gigs June 2013: The Declaration of You gets released and is available in bookstores everywhere. Almost died of excitement when I first saw it on the shelves at the bookstore I worked at in college. Start The Declaration of You BlogLovin’ tour, where we aim to have 100 posts up in 3 months. We ended up quadrupling that number and then some. contributed to 15 Ten-Minute Activities To Jump-Start Your Creativity on PsychCentral contributed to Creativity Boosters: The One Activity That Always Sparks My Imagination on PsychCentral contributed to Wish I Knew: Candid Insights on 50 Small Business Topics, Jess Lively’s ebook interviewed interior designer (and former client!) Maggie Rose for Grown Up Gigs attended Alt NYC Photo provided by atly.com July 2013: attended The World Domination Summit had the best book launch party  evah channeled my inner Oprah when I facilitated the QA after the world premiere screening of  Indie Kindred hired Hannah  as my Social Media Maven Aug 2013: held The 5th Annual When I Grow Up Coach Scholarship had the first Declaration of You Day, with peeps working through the book throughout the world and converging on Facebook to share their declarations interviewed CPAs Hannah Brandt and Anne Lewis for Grown-Up Gigs created my first video series, 10 Ways to Discover Work That Feels Like Play opened the doors for Career Camp for the first time ever. Squee! ran a free Spreecast webinar, Feel the Career Fear and Do It Anyways Sept 2013: Started Career Camp! Had an amazeballs piece written about me (by my high school friend!) on The Times of Israel Spoke with Jess Swift about Self Care for Sarah Stevenson’s blog Made the Forbes Top 100 Websites for Your Career list; fainted, and then felt validated. interviewed Mark Powers, percussion artist and educator, for Grown Up Gigs signed up for the Facebook Marketing Profit Lab, led by Amy Porterfield. I’m increasingly feeling like Facebook is where “my peeps” are, and that I can be doing more to reach them. Spend the next 4 months going through modules and doing some implementation (and not yet finishing all that’s there!). Spoke as part of the Freelancers Union panel, Freelance 360: Work, Life and You Put up my first one-woman show, Boob Cancer and Show Tunes Oct 2013: spoke at the Reboot workshop on Tapping Into Your Inner Child walked the Avon 2-Day Walk for Breast Cancer with Team Awesome. The 4 of us raised over $16,000! led the Freelancers Union presentation, Building a Successful Foundation for Your Freelance Life. co-presented The Declaration of You: Launch Secrets! on Spreecast with Jess (my co-author) and Abby (who headed up out Blog Lovin’ Tour!) started a blog over on The Declaration of You interviewed By Brooklyn owner Gaia DiLoreto for Grown-Up Gigs Nov 2013: released An Effective Escape: Leaving Your Day Job Without Living In Your Parent’s Basement on Amazon contributed to Creativity Play: Artists Authors Share Their Favorite Ways to Play on PsychCentral interviewed Soapwalla chef and owner Rachel Winard for Grown-Up Gigs quoted in 5 Things You Should Never Do at a Professional Social Event on Monster.com had an interview posted with Kelly Dahl on Living Your Fulfilling Life acted as co-host for Anastasia Valentine’s BlogTalkRadio show Dec 2013: interviewed artist author Summer Pierre for Grown-Up Gigs started my “residency” as a Mad Mimi blogger with my first post, How a Win Book Can Guide Your Marketing Strategy re-opened up the doors to my Clubhouse, after much tweaking to make it specifically valuable to soon-to-be/new-ish entrepreneurs (put Clubhouse pic here and link it to the Clubhouse page)   I’m gonna practice what I preach by taking time to revel in what I did do instead of beat myself up for what didn’t happen. Isn’t it so easy to say, “I spent too much money on my business this year!”? Isn’t it so easy to whine, “I don’t have as many Facebook likes as I wanna have!”? Isn’t it so easy to remark, “But so-and-so has her shizz down while I feel like I’m still flailing!”? It is. I know. All of those remarks have been in my head over the past few weeks. Instead, I’m going to make it easy to remember that it’s been over a year since my last surgery and I’m in good health. I’m going to make it easy to remember that I made more money this year with my business than I’ve ever had before. I’m going to make it easy to remember that I’m loved, I’m supported, I’m passionate about what I do. Every month, from now on, gets a whole day just when it ends to be reviewed, highlighted, notated and celebrated. I’m committed to continuing to work on my business on a foundation of positivity, strength, and ease. Are you? Are you gonna breakdown your 2013 by the month? What would your scrapbook look like? Let me know in the comments!

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