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Monday, March 9, 2020

5 Reasons All Women Should Review Their Employer

5 Reasons All Women Should Review Their Employer These days, it landseems like you can revieweverythingonline, from restaurants to hotels to Amazon purchases. If youre a job seeker, you can even review jobs and interview experiences and learn about salaries online. But in Georgene Huangs experience, existing job review sites werent of much help.Today the CEO and co-founder of leading womens career platform Fairygodboss, Huang had turned to the internet for help after she was fired from an executive-level location while two months pregnant. She had specific questions about companies that she didnt feel comfortable voicing in interviews like, is work-life balance a reality here? Are women paid and promoted fairly? Whats the maternity leave policy? Huang had assumed shed be able to find these answers online and was shocked by the lack of information on existing job review sites that was relevant to female job seekers. So, she started her own site.Since Huang founded Fairygodboss the only crowdsourced database of company reviews for women, by women tens of thousands of women have used it to anonymously share their job experiences. In their reviews, women divulge everything from salaries to culture to the quality of managers at their company, amounting to what is truly a treasure trove of information for women in the workforce.If youve never reviewed your employer before, the thought of doing so may seeminherently risky. After all, theres no shortage of stories about backlash and professional repercussions faced by those who speak up like the 75% of respondents inone studywho said theyd faced retaliation for reporting workplace mistreatment. Even if you love your job, it can oftentimes totenstill feel safer or more professional to keep your opinions about your employer particularly info on how the company tends to pay and promote employees close to you.What that results in, however, is a lack of transparency that keeps women in the dark about the career infor mation they need most. By leaving a free review of your employer on Fairygodboss, youre helping shine a light on what women in the workplace really experience the good, and the bad. Still not sure what you stand to gain by leaving a review? Well, for starters...1. Our company reviews are totally anonymous.Share your thoughts about what your employer does right for women and where they need to improve without putting yourself at any risk for retaliation. When you leave a review on Fairygodboss, we promise to never share your identity, making our community a place of safe, protected transparency.2. Leaving a review helps empower other women.If recent events around working womens issues have shown us anything, its that we truly are stronger when we stand together and rckendeckung each others voices. By leaving a review, youre helping equip the million women who use our site each month with the information they need to make informed, empowered decisions about their careers.What infor mation about your employer do you wish someone had toldyoubefore you started? Is the maternity leave policy reasonable? Are women paid and promoted fairly? Whats the overall culture toward women like, and are you encouraged to achieve work-life balance? Nows your opportunity to pay it forward by cluing other women in.3. But youre not just helping others youre also empowering yourself.When you leave a review of your employer on Fairygodboss, you instantly unlock free access to tens of thousands of other womens reviews. Not only that, but youll also have access to the FairygodbossSalary Database, Maternity Leave Database, andWork-Life Balance Database, so you can make easy comparisons.4. You can create real change in your workplace.Many companies truly want to cultivate a diverse, enriched environment where women can do their best work, but they arent sure of where to start. By leaving a review, youre not only providing other women with valuable intel youre also signaling to the com pany itself (in a safe, anonymous way) what they need to change if they want women to be happy working there.5. And, if it comes down to it, you can also use us to find a new job.Dont care to stick around to see if things improve for women at your company? Fairygodboss is also ajob search platform. Check out what women have to say about working at a company, and if youre impressed, click over to see what positions they have open and know that youre doing so from an informed, empowered place.By leaving a free, anonymous review of your employer, theres nothing you stand to lose. Help us promote workplace transparency, and find out what other women have to say about your company, byleaving a review today

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